Styling your bookcases is a perfect way to personalize your home and create dimension and a dynamic feeling in your home. It certainly takes planning and strategy, and tackling a project like this can certainly be overwhelming! The good news is that I am going to break it down for you in a step by step process to take the mystery out of bookcase styling!

I’ve also provided an image from Architectural Digest that you can reference. The first step is to clear off your bookcase or built-in shelves. Make sure to clean off any dust so that you have a nice clean surface to work with.

Step two is to gather any books that you have in various sizes, as well as objects. For best results collect both new and vintage items. Begin placing books on the shelves in stacks, both horizontally and vertically. Make sure to stager the books on each shelf to create variation. You can choose to have all of the spines facing outward, inward or a combination of both.

Step three is to begin to layer in additional items. I like to place framed art or photos behind some of the horizontal stacks of books. Frames tend to be taller than the other items on the shelves, and they will look great layered in the back.

Step four is to top off the horizontal books with a decorative accessory. This could be a paper weight, a piece of sculpture, a piece of drift wood, or a set of beads.

Step five is layer in something like a vase, pottery or small plants. You can use real plants or faux plants and even air plants. Air plants are great for accessorizing bookcases because you can just tuck them between the other items.

Step 6 is to stand back and analyze your work. Does it feel balanced but not too symmetrical? If so you’re in good shape. If not, make some adjustments. You can also decide if there are any areas that feel a little bare. Fill those spots in with a candle, a box or basket, or a piece of sculpture.

Most of the items needed to style your bookcase will likely be found around your home. If you do need to purchase a few items, my favorite sources are , , and .

The most important thing is to get into the state of flow, have fun, and don’t stress too much. Just let the process naturally unfold, and keep tweaking and adjusting until it feels complete!

Vita Lucia